Friday, December 21, 2012

is there anyone here from Iran who live in Jordan or any Jordanian who live in Iran

is there anyone here from Iran who live in Jordan or any Jordanian who live in Iran?
if u are or know anyone that he/she is please introduce me..i need some information.
Other - Destinations - 3 Answers
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1 :
what information
2 :
I'll Help You...
3 :
yes i live in iran i can help u what kinds info do u need?

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Friday, December 14, 2012

I live in Iran.Here is filters on the net.I cant register on WWW.My I really want to be a member

I live in Iran.Here is filters on the net.I cant register on WWW.My I really want to be a member?
I used antifilters but it is hard and my space rejected me.I am interested about some friends I had in Iran and they are on America now like sepideh vahidi andto see their pictures and blog on web I must be a member Please help me
Internet - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
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You can't even become a member? I'm sorry about that. I don't know much about computer hacking, but maybe I could make an account for you and email or something the name and password. Do you want to try that? You can send me an email if you do.
2 :
you aren't missing much. myspace is overrated and is more trouble than it is worth if you ask me. In the news now, people are suing them over thier kids getting hurt from online predators. It was just a matter of time if you asked me.
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I wouldn't use Myspace. Get a blog through a webspace provider like Angelfire or Bravenet, that's a better way to go.
4 :
Pleas IM me to: duranduran_ir , I will give you the way to bypassing any kind of obstacle.

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Friday, December 7, 2012

Hi, I am a transsexual MTF and live in Iran

Hi, I am a transsexual MTF and live in Iran.?
Is there any university in the world which accept me, then i can go to that country and study BSc and at the same time do the transition and the government pay it? Can i get any financial help for university?
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered - 7 Answers
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The UK has pretty good financial aid I think and there are tons of universities. I'm not too sure I just remember talking to a Scottish transwoman who was basically transitioning for free. Look into their laws and whatnot.
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i would say the US, but the government nor will the insurance companies pay for a transition only because they consider that a "cosmetic issue that isnt health related" i wish i could help you further, but i have no knowledge of any other places that would do that sort of thing. good luck on your quest sweetie
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OMG Ive always wanted to meet a transsexual from Iran this is so cool! :D
5 :
You will be accepted in the UK at university as a transsexual, and you will probebly be able to get financial aid to cover the cost of your study, but you will not be able to get aid to cover the cost of your treatment, unless you become a UK citizen and reside here permanently. A British citizen would be able to get treatment under the NHS but a foreign national can't.
6 :
most countries will not pay major expenses for you to transition unless you are citizen of that country. as to universities, there’s typically financial assistance available through various programs, with many of them also being progressive in supporting people within the LGBT spectrum. The United States is, in effect or rapidly becoming a 3rd world country with regards to it’s own citizens well being, therefore things like transitioning are paid for out of one’s pocket. And as one transitions many a great number of civil rights are stripped or at least become more apparent. While, one will find ignorant and prejudice people throughout the world, I’m also beginning to believe that the United States has one of the highest numbers, you being from Iran would be considered as being middle eastern and therefore face even greater prejudice through ignorance and bigotry.. Honestly I would try a University in the UK; and avoid the US except to maybe visit.
7 :
you don't want much, do you? if you want to study in another country you will have to pay for it. here in canada foreign students pay significantly more than canadians. if you want to transition in another country, again, you will have to pay for it. is that all other countries are to you? some sort of cash machine?

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Saturday, December 1, 2012

If Iran hates jews so much then why do 20.000 jews choose to live in Iran

If Iran hates jews so much then why do 20.000 jews choose to live in Iran?
Even after israel offered them MONEY to settle on FREE land
Other - Cultures & Groups - 2 Answers
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Because they're from Iran. Ask this in the politics section.
2 :
I'm Iranian and I don't hate jews . I have jewish friends ( 2 ). But I do hate my loser country runners.

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