should team up and "fight" and protest for relgiouse freedom? Nothing against other relgions in Iran but other than Islam it is mainly Jews (35,000) Christians (couple hundred thousand, many underground churches) Baha'is (463,000) Zorastrians ( 10,000) and probably some athiests there to.
Religion & Spirituality - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
They are a small minority, which makes them easier to crush. They're better off joining the anti-government protests in hopes of getting an overall more tolerant government.
2 :
Nope, I think they should team up, and "fight" and protest for religious freedom...I don't know what 'relgiouse' is.. But religious oppression is never the answer
3 :
In my view the best thing they can do is not make any noise at all so as not to draw the attention. They are in such a minority and fo the last 20 years Iran has not exactly been a country where you could speak your mind. So they get out or shut up,they have no choice. I feel for all the oppressed but maybe better times will come for them.
4 :
I agree with Something Smells Fishy. They're too small a group in a country with an overwhelming Muslim majority. In Iran, more freedom would also mean less religious oppression from the backward old mullahs who run the country. In the end, it would be better for all concerned to join together against the ruling theocracy. It oppresses everyone, and getting rid of it would make everyone's lives easier...Muslims and those who follow other faiths.
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