Saturday, February 14, 2009

How can I become a Hollywood Actor when i live in Iran

How can I become a Hollywood Actor when i live in Iran?
i live in Iran and i'm sure i can be one of the famous stars in the world. i want to know that is there any way to make it through internet i mean when they see my pics accept me as the first accept.and after that i take some secondary exams!
Theater & Acting - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
you are from the middle east, therefore people will not want you in america or anywhere else in the world
2 :
HMMMM my girlfriend here says you are hot and should follow your dreams . She says if you do become a star tell the producers to put more naked men instead of always putting woman the world needs a change . Good luck
3 :
You simply need to be in LA + have good connections.
4 :
make a connection with the american CIA, do some seriously effective espionage for them - an innocent face helps -- sabotage their efforts to get a nuclear bomb, and have the CIA smuggle you out, then write a book using fictional names about your adventures, and play yourself in the movie. It's been done before, could work again - meantime, even if your government puts out a contract on you, you will have helped undermine a totally evil government -- then convert to almost anything besides Islam - it is a sham based on botched up clips from the Hebrew bible, scraps from Zoraster, and bits and pieces of the apocryphal Gospel of Barnabas - you have to be really uneducated to be duped by this stuff.
5 :
no and if all you want is fame then don't even try you will fall flat on your face trust me

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